There is nothing quite like seeing JT perform at Tanglewood, in Lenox, Mass, framed by towering spruce trees, the Berkshire Mountains and Stockbridge Bowl, the local lake.
And next summer, in August, he will put on four shows - two mainstream concerts, an "Evening" with his band, in which he plans to talk about his songs and play them, kind of like VH1 Storytellers, I presume, and then a final performance with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, which I think I'll skip. But two of the four are definitely warranted, especially the "evening" with the band, which will be in Ozawa Hall, not the main shed.
Another bit of good news: Garrison Keillor leads the Prairie Home Companion at Tanglewood again, in late June 2009.
And next summer, in August, he will put on four shows - two mainstream concerts, an "Evening" with his band, in which he plans to talk about his songs and play them, kind of like VH1 Storytellers, I presume, and then a final performance with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, which I think I'll skip. But two of the four are definitely warranted, especially the "evening" with the band, which will be in Ozawa Hall, not the main shed.
Another bit of good news: Garrison Keillor leads the Prairie Home Companion at Tanglewood again, in late June 2009.
Unfortunately, the July 4 performer is Diana Krall, whom we've seen there before and is a bit too low-key for an Independence Day party. And Wilco, who we saw play Tanglewood last year, is not on the schedule. Would love to see Cake perform at Tanglewood, but I'm afraid they wouldn't draw the kind of crowd Tanglewood normally targets.
Here's the Tanglewood link: