Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crappy places to live (and send your kids to school)

People talk about the widening of the so-called "achievement gap" in the academic performance of city kids vs. suburban kids, which, unfortunately, boils down to, in large measure, minority kids vs. white kids.

This is a problem, but consider this. The top 2 news stories in yesterday evening's local news were:

1. A boy who was arrested for bringing a loaded gun to Weaver High School in Hartford

2. A man who flashed an elementary school classroom in New Britain

Now, these two stories are taken from one day's news, and I am making somewhat of a generalization. However, how is the achievement gap ever going to close when you have incidents like this happening in city schools? I know I couldn't focus on learning if a classmate had a gun, or some dude opened up his trenchcoat my classroom.

The thing is, if you compare graduation rates, test scores, grade point averages, crime, DCF referrals and a whole bunch of other criteria, it is sad to say, but you'd be a fool to send your kids to these low-performing, crime-ridden communities. The problem is, people can't afford to move anywhere else. What can they do, other than hope for a magnet school slot in a better town? What can they do, other than be good parents, and instill in them good values? I guess you cross your fingers and do a lot of hoping.

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